Saturday, July 26, 2008

"White Man Can Jump"

Just got back from the farmers market with Shayla running off a few hours of sleep.
A wise chinese man complimented me on my Lebron James jersey today.
After exchanging a few words about basketball he interrupted me with.
"You are white Lebron, White man can jump"
Never heard that one befor, but ill take it as a compliment.

So im home now, with Or from Israel about to go to surf.
We had a good night with a late start last night at a few bars in downtown Santa Monica.
You really get use to the good treatment that comes along with my hollywood guys and not waiting in line, especially when you have to wait 30 minutes to get into some hole in the wall bar that smells like old food.

Enjoying the saturday off

then tomorrow photo shoot with Monarchy clothing

Hope all is well.
Cause it is here.

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