Friday, May 30, 2008

The time has come.

I guess everyone has that time in their life where that one thing, we'll call it change, comes into somones life. Well that change has come for me and it starts tomorrow May 31, with the 3 day road trip to start my new life in LA.
I sit here with my last internet use before i pack my computer up, all my boxes in that 4x8 uhaul, and empty room thinking of all the good times, and good people iv gotten to meet and associate myself with growing up and living in Sarasota FL.
I feel like these times and these people have been my building blocks and learning experiences that have gotten me ready and mature enough to take this new life head on.
I sit here in awe as i think how fast this whole opportunity happened. I guess that really shows you how fast life can change, and how you need to be able to react to that change whether its for the good or the bad.

Mom and Dad
Walter, JPF, Wilson, Dominic and Quinn, Vince, Marina, Town, Krusty, Augie and Chelsea, Wise, Burgess, Cesca, Ceagle, Dre, Anastasia Rorey Hadar Tara and all my Ringlingers, Emily, Paul, Reggie, Ruba Owen and Zara, Willy, VoCab, Nicole, Jordan, Jen, Frankie, AJ
Machado Family
Tom and Sally
The Compound
And the list goes on....

Everyone of you some how whether you know it or not have helped, inspired, or motivated me to do somthing for the better.
Its just hard to sit here and say my last good bye. I wish it was easier.

The only real thing left to say is
Goodluck in the future, hope the best to all and be safe.

Ill see you when the time is right, wish me luck

Your friend

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